Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Super Hero Day! @ St Mary's

What another great day at St Mary's.  Are theme this week was super hero week.  I dressed as a super hero and the kids were so energetic.  I had them play a super hero game which went well.  I had three different super hero pictures that each represented a motor movement and the kids loved it.  They were screaming and yelling it was great to see them smiling.  The motor movements we were introducing were horizontal jumping, leaping, and sliding.  The kids had the most trouble with the leaping.  They were running not really leaping.  They were doing a great job with the sliding.  It was a great day at St Mary's and i cant wait for the next time...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pirates Day at St Mary's

In lab 2 at St Mary's we did a Pirate theme day which was awesome.  Some of us were dressed like pirates.  The motor movements that we were trying to implement this week was running, galloping, and hopping.  At lab Mr. yang gave us two children to observe theses motor movements, to see if they were perfoming them correctly.  They wre doing the motor skills correctly for the most part.  Today my job was to clean out the equipment room, which wasnt too bad considering the room wasnt to messy to begin with.  I just put the boxes in order and mad it a little neater.  At the end of the day i got to lead the kids to a song whcih was awesome. My song was called If Your A Pirate and You know It.  The kids loved it and they were doing the hand motions and sining it was a great day at St Mary's